Monthly Archives: February 2022

Call for Entries; Graduate School Research Poster Competition 2022

The Graduate School has launched the call for entries for the 15th Annual Research Poster Competition and the call for entries closes on May 3rd. The competition is open to all PGRs at UON. Posters will be displayed digitally in an exhibition at Waterside, with an in-person judging session, on May 24th at Graduate School Update Day. The competition will be held from 12:15pm through to prize giving at 3:30pm.

The aim of the event is for PGRs to create a digital poster that explains their research to a mixed audience of non-subject specialists.  At whatever stage in the research process you are, do take this opportunity to share your work with others and gain valuable feedback. For further information on the rules of entry, please see the Guidelines.

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Finding sources of funding for your postgraduate degree study.

woman in white button up shirt holding money
Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on

Are you a postgraduate student (PhD, Professional Doctorate, MPhil or Masters student) at the University of Northampton who is self-funded? Would you like a chance to win funding for fees, maintenance, travel, conference attendance and other research expenses? If so, you might be interested in the next few paragraphs!

Alternative Guide logo

The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding Online is all about alternative sources of funding – charities, foundations and trusts – which can
make awards (fees, maintenance, research costs) to any PG student
regardless of subject, or nationality. The Alternative Guide Online contains a huge database of funding opportunities, comprehensive guidance, and numerous tools to help you prepare a winning grant application. The Graduate School has a subscription to The Alternative Guide to Funding, and you can find out more here. Read on for instructions on how to register.

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Graduate School Newsletters

Find out about events, workshops, webinars and news for PGRs, Supervisors and other researchers in the fortnightly Graduate School Newsletters, the latest published Feb 10th. They can be found in Graduate School Yammer or in emails via the PGR and Supervisor distribution lists. Contact Simone if you have any content you would like to submit.